  • Taste For Luxury

    Taste For Luxury

    Your Taste for Luxury franchise allows you to plug into a robust and reliable supply chain of top-quality, hard to find, luxury foods that are in high demand.

    Personal contribution required: $15,000
    Total Investment: $37,000

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  • The Achievement Centre

    The Achievement Centre

    Start Here. Go Anywhere.

    Personal contribution required: $0
    Total Investment: $19,000

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  • The Poké Station

    The Poké Station

    Poké (in Hawaiian, po.ke means "piece" or "cut") is one of the main dishes of traditional Hawaiian cuisine. It consists of raw fish cut into cubes, served with (…)

    Personal contribution required: $75,000
    Total Investment: $160,000 to $180,000 depending on size

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