3 new territories have embraced us!
We're ready to transform Canadians' daily lives in just 1 day.

Meet our new B-Protek figures who make us proud.
The three of them have different life experiences, whether engineer, military or business manager. They were ready for new challenges and career growth. Their experiences and skills make them perfect franchisees for B-Protek.
Excited and well prepared after their 3 parts initial training: in class, production in a controlled environment and production on site, they are now ready to accompany clients in protecting, transforming, and enhancing their living spaces.
Become a franchisee of the fattest growing concrete resurfacing company in Canada.
Benefiting from a support team, industrial quality products, strong marketing strategies, these are some of the advantages of being a B-Protek Franchisee.
Opportunities available in Ottawa, Greater Toronto area and across Canada.
When it comes to floor quality, we like to believe there is no ceiling.
B-Protek offers concrete resurfacing services for residential garages, exterior balconies, basements and commercial floors by using polyurea with vinyl flakes. We also work with clear, opaque and metallic epoxy solutions for design projects such as interior basements, kitchens, offices and more.
To get more information on our innovating and proven franchise model, click here